世界遺產,國立公園,世界第一的沙博物館 …… 歷史遺跡與自然景觀完美共存的日本島根縣大田市 。  位於島根顯中心位置的大田市是一個山清水秀的美麗城市,除了世界遺產的石見銀山,山毛櫸郁郁蔥蔥覆蓋的國立公園三瓶山中棲息着各種動物,緊鄰市區的日本海深藍色的海水悠然拍打著岸邊的礁石,像游子眷戀故鄉 。  2007 年成功登錄世界遺產的石見銀山是在世界產銀歷史中值得濃墨重彩的大型銀礦山,昔日因銀礦產業繁榮一時的銀山大森地區靜候着各地的遊客,被指定為國立公園的三瓶山中在 10 年前發現了遠古時代的巨大原始林(被指定為國家級天然紀念物), 10.2 米的高度讓人嘆為觀止 。 不僅如此,以優美琴聲著稱的日本海琴浜和擁有世界最大沙漏的 「 仁摩沙博物館 」 都是大田市的標誌 。  此外,泉水湧出量豐富的 「 三瓶溫泉 」 以及日本唯一一處在世界遺產登錄區域內的 「 溫泉津溫泉 也絕對不能錯過,遊客可以在品嘗山珍海味的同時放鬆身心 。 陶瓷愛好者也不虛此行,大田的 「 陶瓷之乡 」 擁有日本西部最大的登窯,傳統手工技術燒制而成的陶瓷器深受好評 。  擁有豐富自然與歷史景觀的大田一年四季都讓人心馳神往,現在就出發去感受大田的魅力吧 。


World Heritage Site Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape

Starting with its discovery in 1527, the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine was one of the world’s most prominent silver mines for 400 years. During the Age of Exploration it was known only as “The Silver Mine” to Europeans and at its peak was responsible for one-third of the world’s silver production. It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007, the first such mine to be registered in Asia. The site also includes the surrounding transportation routes, ports, mining towns and hot springs. The great significance of the ancient remains of Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine lies in the fact that abundant traces of silver production from the mining sites to transportation routes have survived almost intact to this day.

Iwami Ginzan Walking MAP

Yunotsu Area

Located on an inlet on the coast of the Sea of Japan, Yunotsu is a port town adjacent to the Okidomari Port. The town became active in the later part of the 16th century as the administrative center of Iwami Ginzan and its surrounding areas. Yunotsu is also an old hot spring town that hosted local magistrates, prominent feudal lords, writers and artists. Houses line four alleyways and the main road along an 800m stretch eastbound from the port. The layout of the houses remains unchanged from the early Edo Period, with land allotted into narrow-fronted strips. Land use in this narrow valley area provides a vivid picture of how the town must have developed through dealings with Iwami Ginzan.

Nima Area

On the coast of the Sea of Japan 6km northwest of the Iwami Ginzan, Tomogaura in Nima area was the port from which silver and silver ore was shipped to Kyushu, during the years when Iwami Ginzan began to develop in the early 16th century. Early records show a flourishing port visited by many trading ships from Hakata to load silver ore. In the early Edo Period it became no more than a fishing village, and the consequent lack of major projects meant the original shape of the medieval port was preserved. Among the remains are the hanaguri-iwa moorings located on both banks of the port.
Besides the Tomogaura port, the beach Kotogahama in Nima is selected as Japan’s Top 100 beaches, and there is a sand museum which has the largest hourglass in the world.

Oda city and Coast

Oda city lies along the Sea of Japan, with 46km beautiful coast. The long coast is the best choice for fishing and sea bathing. Every summer, the display of fireworks on the Kute coast is also very impressive.

Mt.Sanbe – National Park Area

The highest peak in the Mt.Sanbe range rises 1126m above sea level. There are six peaks in this circular mountain range. The area is divided into four areas-NISHI NO HARA(west), HIGASHI NO HARA(east), KITA NO HARA(north)and Mt. Sanbe Hot Springs(south). Here you can enjoy activities all year around, from mountain climbing to hot springs, camping and so on.
Visit the nearby Mt. Sanbe Nature Museum and take a look at the trees buried by volcanic matter during the Jomon Period at the Sanbe-Azukihara Buried Forest Park.

Local Performing Art Iwami Kagura

Japan has a number of outstanding traditional arts and Iwami Kagura is one of them. Iwami Kagura can be traced back to a time when performances of dancing and music were dedicated to the deities of Japanese myth.

Local cuisine

Steamed fish paste (straw Kamaboko), flat seaweed (Ita Wakame), Sanbe Soba and other products made with ingredients from the sea and the mountain are available in Oda.

Iwami Ginzan Access Map

Iwami Ginzan silver mine Bus schedule